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The 7Shield project

7Shield project aims at providing a holistic framework enabling the deployment of innovative services for cyber-physical protection of ground segments, such as e-fences, passive radars and laser technologies, multimedia AI technologies, cyber-attack detection mechanisms and cyber and physical Threat Intelligence.

Dealing with the various aspects of whole lifecycle of emergency in security and safety, 7SHIELD will make use of state-of-the-art technologies to assess the prevention, detection, response and mitigation of physical and cyber threats, therefore covering all the macro-stages of crisis management.

7SHIELD consortium is composed of 22 partners from Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Netherland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and UK:

  • 5 infrastructure owners and operators (FMI, NOA, Space Applications Services, DEIMOS and SERCO);
  • 3 First Responders Organizations (Hellenic Police, Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, etc.);
  • 3 Academic/Research Institutes (CERTH, CENTRIC, CeRICT);
  • 11 Industry (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. (Coordinator), CS GROUP, CS Novidy’s, Cyberlens, etc.);