CS GROUP is committed to improving the accessibility of its website according to the recommendations of the General Accessibility Improvement Framework (RGAA).
To this end, an accessibility improvement plan will be implemented.
This accessibility statement applies to the site www.csgroup.eu
The site is partially compliant with the General Accessibility Improvement Framework (RGAA), version 4.
The internal compliance audit reveals a compliance rate of 77%.
This statement was established on 24/06/2024.
Content rendering checks were carried out based on the combination provided by the RGAA reference base, with the following versions:
If you are unable to access content or a service, you can contact us by email at communication@csgroup.eu
If you notice an accessibility defect preventing you from accessing content or a functionality of the site, you notify us, and you do not get a quick response from us, you have the right to submit your complaints or a request for referral to the Defender of Rights available on the following website: https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/